File Attachments
File Attachments enable objects to include and manage associated files and documents efficiently.
The file attachment system offers:
- Secure file storage
- Version control
- File metadata tracking
- Preview capabilities
Key Benefits
Document Management
- Centralized storage
- Version tracking
- Access control
- Preview support
- Search capabilities
- Workflow integration
- Structured storage
- Metadata tracking
- Relationship management
If you press the button 'view files' and a screen shows up that there are no files in the folder, while you actually have uploaded a file, you probably have not been added to the openregister share properly. Please check if you are in the openregister user group.
[!NOTE] If you want to have the administrator users to have access to the folder where files are uploaded, make sure an user group with the name 'openregister' is created before you start uploading files, and add the admin users to this user group. If this is not done beforehand, the OpenRegister system user has to be logged in, and in the files application, the existing share to the openregister user group has to be removed, and once that is done, the folder has to be shared again with the openregister user group.
[!WARNING] Under no circumstances you should add files in an Open Registers folder if the Open Registers is not shown in your file app natively. This would trigger that the file is created in your own user folder, making reconciling the shared folder and your user folder quite difficult.