European Client Register
Project Introduction
The European Client Register is a collaborative initiative between Open Register, Nextcloud, and government agencies from France and Germany. This project aims to transform European standards and definitions into a practical, interoperable register that can be used by governments throughout Europe to store and manage client data in a standardized way.
European Collaboration
This project represents a cross-border effort to address common challenges in public administration:
- Nextcloud contributes expertise in secure, open-source data storage and collaboration
- French government agencies provide insights from their "État Plateforme" (State as a Platform) initiative
- German government agencies share experience from their "Digitale Verwaltung" (Digital Administration) program
- Open Register offers the technical framework for implementing standardized registers
Together, we're working to create a reference implementation that demonstrates how European standards can be applied in practice to create interoperable, privacy-respecting client data management systems.
Common Ground Integration
This project aligns with the Common Ground principles developed in the Netherlands, which promote:
- Component-based architecture - Building modular, reusable components
- Data at the source - Storing data once and using it multiple times
- Standard APIs - Using standardized interfaces for data exchange
- Open standards - Adopting open standards for interoperability
The Client Register serves as a key building block in the Common Ground ecosystem, providing a standardized way to store and access client information across different government services and applications.
Connectivity through Standardization
By implementing European standards in a practical register, this project contributes to the broader goal of "connectivity through standardization" - enabling different systems to work together seamlessly through shared standards and interfaces.
Key standardization efforts we're building upon include:
- European Interoperability Framework (EIF) - Providing guidelines for public administrations on how to improve interoperability
- ISA² Programme - Developing digital solutions that enable public administrations to provide interoperable services
- Single Digital Gateway Regulation - Establishing a single digital gateway to provide access to information and procedures across the EU
- Once-Only Principle - Ensuring citizens and businesses provide data only once to public administrations
Purpose and Scope
This document presents research and implementation guidance for building client registers based on European standards. It aims to:
- Identify and analyze relevant standards for client data management
- Compare different approaches to implementing these standards
- Provide practical guidance for implementing a standards-compliant client register
- Demonstrate interoperability with existing systems and standards
The resulting client register design serves as a reference implementation that can be adapted by government agencies across Europe to meet their specific needs while maintaining interoperability with other systems.
References and Standards
This research and implementation guide draws upon the following standards and references:
Core Standards
- vCard Format Specification (RFC 6350) - Contact information format
- iCalendar Format (RFC 5545) - Calendar and task data format
- Internet Message Format (RFC 5322) - Email message format
- JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP) - Modern email and object protocol
Semantic Web Standards
- Person - Person entity definition
- Organization - Organization entity definition
- PlanAction - Task/action representation
- Message - Message representation
- Comment - Note/comment representation
Business Standards
- Universal Business Language (UBL) 2.1 - Business document schemas
- UBL Party Schema - Business party representation
EIDAS Regulation and Core Vocabularies
The eIDAS Regulation (Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services) establishes a legal framework for electronic identification and trust services across EU member states. While the regulation itself doesn't mandate specific data models, implementations that support cross-border identification should align with the EU Core Vocabularies.
The European Commission officially recommends the Core Vocabularies for public administrations and entities that interact with them. In many EU-funded projects and cross-border services, these vocabularies are effectively mandatory.
Key references:
- eIDAS Regulation (EU) No 910/2014
- ISA² Programme Decision - Establishing the program that developed Core Vocabularies
- European Interoperability Framework - Recommends Core Vocabularies
Mandatory Standards in European Context
Key references:
- EU Core Vocabularies - Simplified data models
- Core Person Vocabulary - Person data model
- Core Business Vocabulary - Business data model
- Core Location Vocabulary - Location data model
- Core Public Organization Vocabulary - Public organization model
- DCAT Application Profile - Metadata specification
- DCAT-AP-NL on Forum Standaardisatie
- DCAT-AP-NL Documentation
Commercial CRM Systems
- Salesforce API Documentation - Salesforce data model
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 Entity Reference - Dynamics 365 entities
- Exact Online REST API - Exact Online resources
Dutch standards and guidelines
The Nederlandse API Strategie (Dutch API Strategy) provides guidelines for REST APIs in the Dutch public sector. Our client register design aligns with these guidelines:
- Use of JSON as the primary format
- Consistent naming conventions
- Support for filtering, sorting, and pagination
- Proper error handling
Key references:
- NL API Strategy on Forum Standaardisatie
- API Design Rules
- Forum Standaardisatie - UBL 2.1 - Official listing as a mandatory standard
- NLCIUS - Dutch implementation of UBL for e-invoicing
- Logius Digikoppeling - Dutch government service exchange that uses UBL
- Open Klant API - Dutch standard for client interactions
- Open Klant on GitHub - Open source implementation of the Dutch client standard
Regulatory and Standards Compliance
When implementing client registers in European contexts, it's important to understand that certain standards are not merely recommendations but regulatory requirements or officially endorsed standards that must be applied in specific scenarios.
Validation Resources
To ensure compliance with these standards, the following validation resources are available:
- EU Core Vocabularies Validator - Validates against Core Vocabularies using SHACL
- UBL Validation Tool - Dutch UBL validation service
- Validator - Validates markup
- DCAT-AP Validator - Validates DCAT-AP compliance
By using these validation tools during implementation, you can ensure that your client register meets all applicable standards and regulatory requirements.
API Specification
To complement our standards-based client register design, we've created a comprehensive OpenAPI Specification (OAS) document that defines the API endpoints, request/response formats, and data schemas for implementing the client register.
OpenAPI Specification
The complete API specification is available as an OpenAPI 3.0 document:
This specification includes detailed definitions for:
- Client entities (Person and Organization)
- Task management
- Message handling
- Note management
- Relationship modeling
- Search and filtering capabilities
Overvieuw Relationships Between Entities
All these entities are interconnected in our client management system:
The diagram above shows how:
- Clients are the central entity
- Tasks are associated with clients (one client can have many tasks)
- Messages are linked to clients (communication history)
- Notes are attached to clients (observations and information)
- Tasks can be related to other tasks (for dependencies or subtasks)
European Semantic Interoperability Standards
In addition to the standards we've already discussed, the European Union has developed several semantic interoperability initiatives that provide relevant data models and vocabularies for our client management system.
Core Vocabularies
The EU Core Vocabularies are simplified, reusable, and extensible data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of entities in a context-neutral way. Several of these are directly applicable to our client register:
- Core Person Vocabulary
- Core Business Vocabulary
- Core Location Vocabulary
- Open Klant API
The Core Person Vocabulary defines a simplified, reusable data model for describing natural persons.
Our Property | Core Person Property | Notes |
name | fullName | Full name of a person |
givenName | givenName | First name |
familyName | familyName | Last name |
birthDate | dateOfBirth | Date of birth |
address | registeredAddress | Official address |
identifier | identifier | Unique identifier |
The Core Business Vocabulary provides a simplified, reusable data model for describing legal entities (businesses).
Our Property | Core Business Property | Notes |
name | legalName | Official name of the organization |
alternativeName | alternativeName | Trading or alternative name |
identifier | companyID | Official company registration ID |
address | registeredAddress | Official registered address |
status | status | Current status (active, inactive, etc.) |
The Core Location Vocabulary provides a simplified model for describing locations, which is relevant for client addresses.
Our Property | Core Location Property | Notes |
address.streetAddress | thoroughfare | Street name |
address.postalCode | postCode | Postal code |
address.locality | postName | City or town |
address.region | adminUnitL2 | Region, state, or province | | adminUnitL1 | Country |
The Core Public Organization Vocabulary is designed for describing public organizations in the European Union.
Our Property | CPOV Property | Notes |
name | prefLabel | Preferred name of the organization |
alternativeName | altLabel | Alternative name |
description | description | Textual description |
identifier | identifier | Unique identifier |
purpose | purpose | Organization's purpose or mission |
The Core Public Service Vocabulary could be relevant for task management in public service contexts.
Our Task Property | CPSV Property | Notes |
name | name | Name of the service |
description | description | Description of the service |
status | status | Current status |
type | type | Type of service |
language | language | Language(s) the service is available in |
The DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP) provides a specification for metadata records to meet the specific application needs of data portals in Europe.
While primarily focused on dataset descriptions, some concepts are relevant for document management aspects of our client system:
Our Property | DCAT-AP Property | Notes |
document.title | title | Title of the document |
document.description | description | Description of the document |
document.created | issued | Date of formal issuance |
document.updated | modified | Most recent date of modification |
document.publisher | publisher | Entity responsible for making the document available |
The Open Klant API is a Dutch standard for client interactions that provides a comprehensive model for managing client data and interactions in government contexts.
Our Property | Open Klant Property | Notes |
id | uuid | Unique identifier for the client |
name | naam | Name of the client (person or organization) |
identifier | partijIdentificator | External identifier with type information |
contactPoint | digitaalAdres | Digital contact information |
address | correspondentieadres | Correspondence address |
type | soortPartij | Type of party (person, organization) |
status | indicatieActief | Whether the client is active |
contactHistory | klantcontacten | History of interactions with the client |
Client Object
For our client information, we'll use the European Core Vocabularies (Core Person and Core Business) as our primary foundation, while ensuring compatibility with other standards including vCard,, Open Klant API, and commercial CRM systems.
Historical Context
The vCard standard (RFC 6350) represents one of the first industry-wide attempts to standardize person and organization information. Developed in the 1990s and still widely used today, vCard remains the dominant format for exchanging contact information between devices and applications, particularly in mobile phones, email clients, and contact management systems.
While vCard provides an excellent foundation for basic contact exchange, the European Core Vocabularies offer a more comprehensive approach specifically designed for government and business contexts, with stronger support for official identifiers, multilingual information, and regulatory compliance.
Standard Comparison
While using EU Core Vocabularies as our primary standard, we maintain compatibility with other major person/client/organization standards:
- EU Core Vocabularies
- vCard (RFC 6350)
- Commercial CRM
EU Standards
- Core Person Vocabulary - Person data model
- Core Business Vocabulary - Business data model
- Core Public Organization Vocabulary - Public organization model
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Official EU standard | Less known outside EU | Government systems |
Strong identifier support | Fewer implementations | Cross-border exchange |
Multilingual by design | More complex structure | Official registrations |
Public sector alignment | Limited consumer support | Public procurement |
Regulatory compliance | Regulatory reporting |
Core Person Properties
Property | Type | Description |
identifier | Object | Official identifiers with scheme information |
fullName | String | Complete name of the person |
givenName | String | First name |
familyName | String | Last name |
dateOfBirth | Date | Birth date |
gender | Code | Gender code |
citizenship | Code | Country of citizenship |
placeOfBirth | Object | Place of birth information |
registeredAddress | Object | Official address |
Core Business Properties
Property | Type | Description |
legalIdentifier | Object | Official business identifier |
legalName | String | Official registered name |
alternativeName | String | Trading or alternative name |
companyType | Code | Legal form of the company |
companyStatus | Code | Current status (active, inactive) |
companyActivity | Code | Business activity classification |
registeredAddress | Object | Official registered address |
foundingDate | Date | Date when company was established |
Contact Standards
- vCard (RFC 6350) - Contact information exchange
- jCard (RFC 7095) - JSON format for vCard
- xCard (RFC 6351) - XML format for vCard
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Widespread adoption | Limited business fields | Contact exchange |
Simple structure | Weak identifier support | Mobile devices |
Device compatibility | Basic multilingual support | Email systems |
Email integration | Limited relationship modeling | Personal contacts |
Consumer familiarity | Legacy integration |
vCard Properties
Property | Type | Description |
FN | String | Formatted name |
N | String | Structured name components |
NICKNAME | String | Nickname or alias |
PHOTO | URI | Photo or avatar |
BDAY | Date | Birth date |
ADR | String | Structured address |
TEL | String | Telephone number |
String | Email address | |
ORG | String | Organization name |
TITLE | String | Job title |
ROLE | String | Role within organization |
URL | URI | Website URL |
NOTE | String | Notes about the contact |
CATEGORIES | String | Categories/tags |
REV | DateTime | Last revision date | Standards
- Person - Person entity definition
- Organization - Organization entity definition
- LocalBusiness - Local business definition
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Web search optimization | Web-centric design | Web content |
Rich property set | Less formal validation | SEO optimization |
Linked data support | Evolving specifications | Knowledge graphs |
Major search engine backing | Limited official status | Public directories |
Growing adoption | Semantic web applications | Person Properties
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | Full name |
givenName | String | First name |
familyName | String | Last name |
additionalName | String | Middle name |
birthDate | Date | Date of birth |
gender | String | Gender |
address | PostalAddress | Physical address |
String | Email address | |
telephone | String | Phone number |
url | URL | Website |
jobTitle | String | Job title |
worksFor | Organization | Employer organization |
nationality | Country | Country of citizenship |
knowsLanguage | Language | Languages known |
identifier | PropertyValue | Identifiers | Organization Properties
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | Organization name |
legalName | String | Official name |
alternateName | String | Alternative name |
description | String | Description |
address | PostalAddress | Physical address |
String | Email address | |
telephone | String | Phone number |
faxNumber | String | Fax number |
url | URL | Website |
logo | ImageObject | Logo |
foundingDate | Date | Date founded |
numberOfEmployees | QuantitativeValue | Employee count |
vatID | String | VAT identifier |
taxID | String | Tax identifier |
member | Organization/Person | Members |
parentOrganization | Organization | Parent organization |
UBL Standards
- UBL Party Schema - Party/organization model
- UBL Person Schema - Person model
- UBL Address Schema - Address model
- UBL Contact Schema - Contact information model
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Business document focus | Complex structure | E-procurement |
Procurement support | Verbose format | Business documents |
Legal entity details | Business-only focus | Supply chain |
International standard | Limited personal details | E-invoicing |
XML validation | Formal business exchange |
UBL Party Properties
Property | Type | Description |
PartyIdentification | Complex | Party identifiers |
PartyName | Complex | Party name |
PostalAddress | Complex | Postal address |
PartyTaxScheme | Complex | Tax registration |
PartyLegalEntity | Complex | Legal entity information |
Contact | Complex | Contact information |
Person | Complex | Person information |
AgentParty | Complex | Agent information |
ServiceProviderParty | Complex | Service provider information |
PowerOfAttorney | Complex | Power of attorney |
PartyType | Code | Type of party |
Language | Code | Language |
IndustryClassificationCode | Code | Industry classification |
UBL Person Properties
Property | Type | Description |
ID | Identifier | Person identifier |
FirstName | String | First name |
FamilyName | String | Last name |
Title | String | Title |
MiddleName | String | Middle name |
OtherName | String | Other name |
NameSuffix | String | Name suffix |
JobTitle | String | Job title |
NationalityID | Identifier | Nationality |
GenderCode | Code | Gender |
BirthDate | Date | Birth date |
BirthplaceName | String | Birthplace |
Contact | Complex | Contact information |
FinancialAccount | Complex | Financial account |
IdentityDocumentReference | Complex | Identity document |
Commercial CRM Standards
- Salesforce Account Object - Account/organization model
- Microsoft Dynamics Account Entity - Account/organization model
- Exact Online Account API - Account/organization model
Commercial CRM Comparison
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Business process integration | Proprietary format | CRM processes |
Sales/marketing features | License requirements | Sales automation |
Extensive customization | Complex data model | Marketing campaigns |
Industry solutions | Vendor lock-in | Customer service |
Ecosystem support | Business intelligence |
Salesforce Account Properties
Property | Type | Description |
Id | ID | Unique identifier |
Name | String | Account name |
Type | Picklist | Account type |
ParentId | Reference | Parent account |
BillingAddress | Address | Billing address |
ShippingAddress | Address | Shipping address |
Phone | Phone | Main phone number |
Fax | Phone | Fax number |
Website | URL | Website URL |
Industry | Picklist | Industry type |
AnnualRevenue | Currency | Annual revenue |
NumberOfEmployees | Integer | Employee count |
Description | TextArea | Account description |
OwnerId | Reference | Account owner |
CreatedDate | DateTime | Creation date |
LastModifiedDate | DateTime | Last modified date |
Microsoft Dynamics
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Microsoft ecosystem integration | Proprietary format | Microsoft environments |
Business process support | License requirements | ERP integration |
Office 365 integration | Microsoft-centric | Office integration |
Workflow automation | Complex customization | Enterprise scenarios |
Enterprise features | Complex business processes |
Microsoft Dynamics Account Properties
Property | Type | Description |
accountid | GUID | Unique identifier |
name | String | Account name |
accountnumber | String | Account number |
parentaccountid | Lookup | Parent account |
address1_* | Complex | Primary address |
address2_* | Complex | Secondary address |
telephone1 | String | Main phone |
emailaddress1 | String | Email address |
websiteurl | String | Website URL |
industrycode | OptionSet | Industry |
revenue | Money | Annual revenue |
numberofemployees | Integer | Employee count |
description | String | Account description |
ownerid | Lookup | Account owner |
createdon | DateTime | Creation date |
modifiedon | DateTime | Last modified date |
Exact Online
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Financial integration | Proprietary format | Financial administration |
European tax compliance | Limited global presence | European businesses |
Accounting features | Finance-centric model | Accounting integration |
SMB focus | Less extensible | SMB operations |
Dutch/EU market alignment | Dutch/EU compliance |
Exact Online Account Properties
Property | Type | Description |
ID | GUID | Unique identifier |
Name | String | Account name |
Code | String | Account code |
Parent | GUID | Parent account |
Address | Complex | Address information |
Phone | String | Phone number |
String | Email address | |
Website | String | Website URL |
Status | Enum | Account status |
VATNumber | String | VAT number |
ChamberOfCommerce | String | Chamber of Commerce number |
Created | DateTime | Creation date |
Modified | DateTime | Last modified date |
Creator | GUID | Creator |
Modifier | GUID | Last modifier |
Property Comparison
The following table compares properties across all relevant standards:
Our Property | EU Core | vCard | | UBL | Salesforce | Dynamics | Exact | Description |
Person Properties | ||||||||
id | identifier | UID | identifier | ID | Id | accountid | ID | Unique identifier |
name | fullName | FN | name | Name | Name | name | Name | Full name |
givenName | givenName | N (part) | givenName | FirstName | FirstName | firstname | FirstName | First name |
familyName | familyName | N (part) | familyName | FamilyName | LastName | lastname | LastName | Last name |
additionalName | - | N (part) | additionalName | MiddleName | - | middlename | - | Middle name |
honorificPrefix | - | N (part) | honorificPrefix | Title | Salutation | salutation | Title | Title prefix (Dr., Mr.) |
honorificSuffix | - | N (part) | honorificSuffix | NameSuffix | Suffix | suffix | - | Title suffix (Jr., PhD) |
gender | gender | GENDER | gender | GenderCode | - | gendercode | Gender | Gender |
birthDate | dateOfBirth | BDAY | birthDate | BirthDate | Birthdate | birthdate | DateOfBirth | Birth date |
birthPlace | placeOfBirth | - | birthPlace | BirthplaceName | - | birthdate_city | - | Place of birth |
Organization Properties | ||||||||
id | identifier | UID | identifier | ID | Id | accountid | ID | Unique identifier |
name | legalName | ORG | legalName | RegistrationName | Name | name | Name | Official name |
alternativeName | alternativeName | - | alternateName | TradingName | - | - | SearchCode | Trading name |
companyActivity | companyActivity | - | - | IndustryClassificationCode | Industry | industrycode | SbiCode | Industry classification |
companyStatus | companyStatus | - | - | CorporateRegistrationStatus | Status | statuscode | Status | Company status |
companyType | companyType | - | - | CompanyLegalFormCode | - | businesstypecode | LegalForm | Legal form |
foundingDate | foundingDate | - | foundingDate | RegistrationDate | - | - | EstablishedDate | Founding date |
dissolutionDate | - | - | dissolutionDate | - | - | - | - | Dissolution date |
Contact Properties | ||||||||
address | registeredAddress | ADR | address | PostalAddress | Address | address1_* | Address | Physical address |
- | ElectronicMail | emailaddress1 | Email address | |||||
telephone | - | TEL | telephone | Telephone | Phone | telephone1 | Phone | Phone number |
faxNumber | - | - | faxNumber | Telefax | Fax | fax | Fax | Fax number |
website | - | URL | url | WebsiteURI | Website | websiteurl | Website | Website |
Financial Properties | ||||||||
vatNumber | - | - | vatID | PartyTaxScheme | - | - | VATNumber | VAT registration |
taxReference | - | - | taxID | TaxReference | - | - | TaxReferenceNumber | Tax reference |
bankAccount | - | - | - | FinancialAccount | - | - | BankAccount | Bank account |
paymentTerms | - | - | - | PaymentTerms | - | - | PaymentTerms | Payment terms |
creditLimit | - | - | - | - | - | creditlimit | CreditLimit | Credit limit |
Relationship Properties | ||||||||
memberOf | - | - | memberOf | PartyMember | - | parentaccountid | Parent | Parent organization |
hasMember | - | - | member | Party | - | - | - | Child organizations |
contactPerson | - | AGENT | employee | Contact | Contact | primarycontactid | Contact | Primary contact |
department | - | ORG (part) | department | Department | Department | - | - | Department |
role | - | ROLE | roleName | RoleCode | - | - | - | Role in organization |
Metadata Properties | ||||||||
source | - | SOURCE | - | - | LeadSource | - | - | Information source |
dateCreated | - | - | dateCreated | CreationDate | CreatedDate | createdon | Created | Creation timestamp |
dateModified | - | REV | dateModified | LastModificationDate | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | Modified | Last update timestamp |
creator | - | - | creator | Author | CreatedBy | createdby | Creator | Record creator |
lastModifier | - | - | - | - | LastModifiedBy | modifiedby | Modifier | Last modifier |
Our Hybrid Approach
Based on this analysis, our client register uses a hybrid approach that:
Adopts the EU Core Vocabularies as the foundation
- Ensures compliance with European standards
- Supports official identifiers and multilingual information
- Aligns with public sector requirements
Incorporates properties
- Improves web discoverability
- Uses widely recognized property names
- Supports semantic web integration
Maintains vCard compatibility
- Enables contact exchange with mobile devices
- Supports email integration
- Leverages existing implementations
Adds commercial CRM extensions
- Supports business processes
- Enables integration with existing systems
- Provides practical functionality
Aligns with Open Klant API
- Ensures compatibility with Dutch government systems
- Supports client interaction management
- Enables integration with existing Dutch government services
This approach ensures that our client register is both standards-compliant and practically useful in real-world government and business environments.
Property | Description | Example | Type | Origin |
id | Unique identifier for the client | 12345 | string | Internal system |
@type | Type of client record | Organization | string | |
identifier | External identifier | BE0123456789 | string | EU Core |
name | Official name | Acme Corporation | string | EU Core |
alternativeName | Trading or informal name | Acme Corp | string | EU Core |
givenName | First name for individuals | John | string | EU Core |
familyName | Last name for individuals | Smith | string | EU Core |
birthDate | Date of birth for individuals | 1970-01-01 | date | EU Core |
gender | Gender for individuals | Male | string | EU Core |
address | Physical location | 123 Main St | object | EU Core |
contactPoint | Contact information | phone, email | object | EU Core |
legalEntity | Legal entity information | registration details | object | EU Core |
companyType | Type of company | LLC | string | EU Core |
companyStatus | Current status | Active | string | EU Core |
companyActivity | Industry classification | Manufacturing | string | EU Core |
dateCreated | Record creation date | 2023-01-01T12:00:00Z | datetime | System |
dateModified | Last modification date | 2023-06-15T09:30:00Z | datetime | System |
partyType | Type of party | natural_person | string | Internal |
isActive | Whether the client is active | true | boolean | Internal |
digitalAddress | Digital contact information | email, phone | object | Internal |
correspondenceAddress | Correspondence address | postal address | object | Internal |
Task Object
For tasks, we'll primarily use the iCalendar standard (RFC 5545), specifically the VTODO component, as our foundational standard. This choice is driven by several key factors:
Historical Context
The iCalendar standard represents the most widely adopted format for calendar and task data exchange. Developed in the late 1990s and refined over time, it remains the foundation for most calendar systems, including those in major email clients, mobile devices, and dedicated calendar applications.
While newer API-based approaches exist, iCalendar's VTODO component provides a comprehensive model for task management that balances simplicity with powerful features like recurrence, reminders, and multi-participant support.
Standards Comparison
While using iCalendar as our primary standard, we maintain compatibility with other major task standards:
- iCalendar Standards
- Nextcloud Standards
- Standards
- Microsoft 365 Standards
- Google Workspace Standards
- Trello Standards
- iCalendar VTODO (RFC 5545) - Task component specification
- iCalendar Extensions (RFC 7986) - Additional task properties
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Widespread adoption | Complex recurrence rules | Calendar integration |
Rich property set | Limited custom fields | Personal tasks |
Stable standard | Text-only descriptions | Recurring tasks |
Cross-platform | Limited relationships | Deadline tracking |
Mature implementations | Basic workflow support | Basic scheduling |
iCalendar VTODO Properties
Property | Type | Description |
UID | String | Unique identifier |
SUMMARY | String | Task summary/title |
DESCRIPTION | String | Task description |
DTSTART | DateTime | Start date/time |
DUE | DateTime | Due date/time |
COMPLETED | DateTime | Completion date/time |
PRIORITY | Integer | Priority (0-9, 0=undefined, 1=highest, 9=lowest) |
PERCENT-COMPLETE | Integer | Percent complete (0-100) |
CATEGORIES | String | Categories/tags |
RRULE | String | Recurrence rule |
ORGANIZER | String | Task organizer |
ATTENDEE | String | Task participants |
ATTACH | URI | File attachments |
RELATED-TO | String | Related tasks |
CREATED | DateTime | Creation timestamp |
LAST-MODIFIED | DateTime | Last modification timestamp |
- Nextcloud Tasks App - CalDAV-based task management
- Nextcloud Deck API - Kanban-style task boards
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Open source | Server requirement | Team collaboration |
CalDAV compatible | Limited integrations | Self-hosted systems |
Privacy-focused | Basic reporting | Open source environments |
Board view support | Limited automation | European organizations |
File attachments | Simple permissions | Personal productivity |
Nextcloud Tasks Properties
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier |
summary | String | Task title |
description | String | Task description |
start | DateTime | Start date/time |
due | DateTime | Due date/time |
completed | DateTime | Completion date/time |
status | String | Task status |
priority | Integer | Priority level |
completedPercentage | Integer | Percent complete |
categories | Array | Categories/tags |
recurrence | Object | Recurrence settings |
organizer | String | Task organizer |
attendees | Array | Task participants |
attachments | Array | File attachments |
created | DateTime | Creation timestamp |
modified | DateTime | Last modification timestamp |
- PlanAction - For general task/action representation
- TodoAction - Specifically for to-do items
- Task - For project management tasks
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
SEO benefits | Limited task features | Web content |
Semantic relationships | Few task implementations | Public tasks |
Web integration | Basic scheduling | SEO optimization |
Search engine support | Limited recurrence | Knowledge graphs |
Flexible properties | Evolving specification | Semantic web | PlanAction Properties
Property | Type | Description |
identifier | Text/URL | Unique identifier |
name | Text | Task name |
description | Text | Task description |
startTime | DateTime | Start time |
endTime | DateTime | End time |
scheduledTime | DateTime | Scheduled time |
actionStatus | ActionStatusType | Status of the action |
agent | Person/Organization | Person/org performing action |
participant | Person/Organization | Other participants |
result | Thing | Result of the action |
target | EntryPoint | Target of the action |
object | Thing | Object the action is performed on |
error | Thing | Error that occurred |
location | Place | Location of the action |
potentialAction | Action | Potential follow-up actions |
url | URL | URL for the action |
dateCreated | DateTime | Creation date |
dateModified | DateTime | Modification date |
- Microsoft To Do API - Personal task management
- Microsoft Planner API - Team task planning
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Office integration | License requirements | Microsoft environments |
Team collaboration | Microsoft ecosystem | Enterprise users |
Rich UI | Proprietary format | Team planning |
Mobile apps | Limited external access | Office 365 users |
Outlook integration | Complex permissions | Windows integration |
Microsoft To Do Properties
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier |
title | String | Task title |
body | ItemBody | Task body/description |
importance | String | Importance (low, normal, high) |
isReminderOn | Boolean | Whether reminder is set |
status | String | Status (notStarted, inProgress, completed, waitingOnOthers, deferred) |
recurrence | PatternedRecurrence | Recurrence pattern |
reminderDateTime | DateTimeTimeZone | Reminder date/time |
completedDateTime | DateTimeTimeZone | Completion date/time |
dueDateTime | DateTimeTimeZone | Due date/time |
startDateTime | DateTimeTimeZone | Start date/time |
categories | String[] | Categories |
assignedTo | String | Assigned user |
createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Creation date/time |
lastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Last modification date/time |
- Google Tasks API - Task management integration
- Google Calendar API - Calendar-based tasks
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Gmail integration | Google ecosystem | Google Workspace users |
Calendar integration | Basic task model | Personal productivity |
Mobile support | Limited business features | Simple task tracking |
Cloud sync | Few enterprise features | Calendar-based tasks |
Widespread adoption | Limited customization | Mobile tasks |
Google Tasks Properties
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier |
title | String | Task title |
notes | String | Task notes/description |
status | String | Status (needsAction, completed) |
due | DateTime | Due date/time |
completed | DateTime | Completion date/time |
deleted | Boolean | Whether task is deleted |
hidden | Boolean | Whether task is hidden |
parent | String | Parent task ID |
position | String | Sort position |
updated | DateTime | Last update timestamp |
links | Array | Related links |
etag | String | Entity tag |
selfLink | String | Self link |
- Trello REST API - Board and card management
- Trello Power-Ups API - Custom integrations and extensions
- Trello Webhooks - Real-time updates
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Visual board layout | Limited reporting | Project management |
Simple interface | Basic task model | Visual task tracking |
Team collaboration | Limited automation | Team coordination |
Card attachments | Proprietary format | Kanban workflows |
Flexible organization | Simple tracking | Collaborative tasks |
Trello Card Properties
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier |
name | String | Card name/title |
desc | String | Card description |
closed | Boolean | Whether card is archived |
idBoard | String | Board ID |
idList | String | List ID |
idMembers | Array | Member IDs |
idLabels | Array | Label IDs |
url | String | Card URL |
shortUrl | String | Short URL |
due | DateTime | Due date/time |
dueComplete | Boolean | Whether due date is complete |
dateLastActivity | DateTime | Last activity timestamp |
checkItemStates | Array | Check item states |
attachments | Array | Attachments |
subscribed | Boolean | Whether user is subscribed |
pos | Number | Position in list |
cover | Object | Cover image |
customFields | Array | Custom fields |
Property Comparison
The following table compares task properties across relevant standards:
Our Property | iCalendar | | Microsoft To Do | Google Tasks | Trello | Description |
Core Properties | ||||||
id | UID | identifier | id | id | id | Unique identifier |
title | SUMMARY | name | title | title | name | Task title |
description | DESCRIPTION | description | body.content | notes | desc | Task description |
startTime | DTSTART | startTime | startDateTime | - | - | Start date/time |
dueTime | DUE | endTime | dueDateTime | due | due | Due date/time |
completedTime | COMPLETED | completedTime | completedDateTime | completed | - | Completion date/time |
Status Properties | ||||||
status | STATUS | actionStatus | status | status | - | Task status |
priority | PRIORITY | - | importance | - | pos | Priority level |
percentComplete | PERCENT-COMPLETE | percentComplete | - | - | - | Percent complete |
Categorization | ||||||
category | CATEGORIES | category | categories | - | idLabels | Categories/tags |
People | ||||||
assignee | ORGANIZER | agent | assignedTo | - | idMembers | Person assigned to task |
participants | ATTENDEE | participant | - | - | idMembers | Other participants |
Relationships | ||||||
parent | RELATED-TO | isPartOf | - | parent | - | Parent task |
subtasks | - | hasPart | - | - | - | Child tasks |
relatedTo | RELATED-TO | about | - | - | - | Related entities |
Metadata | ||||||
createdAt | CREATED | dateCreated | createdDateTime | - | - | Creation timestamp |
updatedAt | LAST-MODIFIED | dateModified | lastModifiedDateTime | updated | dateLastActivity | Last update timestamp |
recurrence | RRULE | - | recurrence | - | - | Recurrence pattern |
attachments | ATTACH | - | - | - | attachments | File attachments |
Our Hybrid Approach
Based on this analysis, our task register uses a hybrid approach that:
Adopts iCalendar VTODO as the foundation
- Ensures compatibility with calendar systems
- Provides robust recurrence support
- Leverages a mature, widely-implemented standard
Incorporates PlanAction properties
- Improves web discoverability
- Adds semantic relationships
- Supports knowledge graph integration
Adds Microsoft and Google compatibility
- Enables integration with popular productivity suites
- Supports enterprise workflows
- Provides mobile compatibility
Includes Trello-inspired visual elements
- Supports kanban-style organization
- Enables visual task management
- Improves team collaboration
This approach ensures that our task register works seamlessly with existing calendar systems while providing the rich features needed for business process management.
Property | Description | Example | Type | Origin |
id | Unique identifier | "task-12345" | string | iCalendar UID |
title | Task title | "Complete client proposal" | string | iCalendar SUMMARY |
description | Task description | "Draft the proposal document including..." | string | iCalendar DESCRIPTION |
startTime | When task begins | "2023-06-15T09:00:00Z" | string (ISO 8601) | iCalendar DTSTART |
dueTime | When task is due | "2023-06-20T17:00:00Z" | string (ISO 8601) | iCalendar DUE |
completedTime | When task was completed | "2023-06-19T16:30:00Z" | string (ISO 8601) | iCalendar COMPLETED |
status | Current status | "in-progress" | string (enum) | iCalendar STATUS |
priority | Priority level | "high" | string (enum) | iCalendar PRIORITY |
percentComplete | Completion percentage | 75 | integer (0-100) | iCalendar PERCENT-COMPLETE |
category | Categories/tags | ["proposal", "sales"] | array[string] | iCalendar CATEGORIES |
assignee | Person assigned to task | {"id": "user-123", "name": "Jane Doe"} | object | iCalendar ORGANIZER |
participants | Other participants | [{"id": "user-456", "name": "John Smith", "role": "reviewer"}] | array[object] | iCalendar ATTENDEE |
parent | Parent task | "task-789" | string | iCalendar RELATED-TO |
subtasks | Child tasks | ["task-101", "task-102"] | array[string] | hasPart |
relatedTo | Related entities | [{"id": "client-456", "type": "Client"}] | array[object] | iCalendar RELATED-TO |
recurrence | Recurrence pattern | "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO" | string (iCal RRULE) | iCalendar RRULE |
attachments | File attachments | [{"name": "draft.docx", "url": "https://..."}] | array[object] | iCalendar ATTACH |
createdAt | Creation timestamp | "2023-06-10T14:30:00Z" | string (ISO 8601) | iCalendar CREATED |
updatedAt | Last update timestamp | "2023-06-15T09:15:00Z" | string (ISO 8601) | iCalendar LAST-MODIFIED |
createdBy | Creator information | {"id": "user-789", "name": "Alice Brown"} | object | creator |
updatedBy | Last modifier information | {"id": "user-123", "name": "Jane Doe"} | object | editor |
A thread is a way to group related messages together in a conversation. In messaging systems, it acts like a conversation ID that links all messages in a back-and-forth exchange. For example, when someone replies to an email or chat message, all those messages share the same thread ID (usually the UUID of the first message in the conversation) to keep them connected.
Message Object
For messages associated with clients, we'll use email standards (RFC 5322) as our primary foundation, while incorporating elements from JMAP and to create a comprehensive message model.
Historical Context
Email standards represent one of the oldest and most widely implemented digital communication formats. The Internet Message Format (RFC 5322, previously RFC 822) has been the foundation of email communication since the early days of the internet. This format has proven remarkably resilient, continuing to serve as the backbone of electronic communication despite the emergence of numerous messaging platforms.
While email standards provide an excellent foundation for message structure, newer standards like JMAP (JSON Meta Application Protocol) offer more modern API approaches for message handling. By combining these standards with's semantic web capabilities, we create a message model that works across traditional email, modern messaging platforms, and web applications.
Standards Comparison
- Message Standards
- RFC 5322 Standards
- JMAP Standards
- UBL Communication Standards
- Message - Message schema definition
- EmailMessage - Email message type
- Message Extensions - Message attachments
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
SEO benefits | Limited messaging focus | Web content |
Semantic relationships | Basic properties only | Public messages |
Web integration | Loose validation | Search visibility |
Flexible properties | Web-centric design | Knowledge graphs |
Search engine support | Semantic relationships | Message Properties
Property | Type | Description |
identifier | Text/URL | Unique identifier |
name | Text | Message name/subject |
description | Text | Message description |
about | Thing | What the message is about |
text | Text | Message content |
dateCreated | DateTime | Creation date |
dateReceived | DateTime | Date received |
dateSent | DateTime | Date sent |
dateRead | DateTime | Date read |
sender | Person/Organization | Message sender |
recipient | Person/Organization | Message recipient |
messageAttachment | CreativeWork | Attached content |
inLanguage | Language | Message language |
potentialAction | Action | Potential actions |
url | URL | URL for the message |
- RFC 5322 - Internet Message Format
- RFC 2045-2049 - MIME Extensions
- RFC 6854 - Update to Internet Message Format
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Universal adoption | Complex header format | Formal communications |
Proven longevity | Limited metadata | Cross-platform messaging |
Rich feature set | Text-centric design | Document exchange |
Extensive tooling | Basic threading model | System notifications |
Platform independence | Official records |
RFC 5322 Properties
Property | Type | Description |
Message-ID | String | Unique message identifier |
From | String | Sender address |
To | String | Primary recipient(s) |
Cc | String | Carbon copy recipient(s) |
Bcc | String | Blind carbon copy recipient(s) |
Reply-To | String | Reply address |
Subject | String | Message subject |
Date | DateTime | Sending date/time |
Received | DateTime | Receipt date/time |
In-Reply-To | String | Message being replied to |
References | String | Related messages |
Content-Type | String | Content MIME type |
Content-Transfer-Encoding | String | Content encoding |
MIME-Version | String | MIME version |
Content-Disposition | String | Content disposition |
Content-ID | String | Content identifier |
- JMAP - JSON Meta Application Protocol
- JMAP Mail - Email extensions
- JMAP Calendar - Calendar integration
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Modern JSON format | Newer standard | Modern email clients |
Efficient synchronization | Fewer implementations | Mobile applications |
Batch operations | More complex model | Offline-first apps |
Consistent API design | Email-centric design | Multi-device sync |
Strong threading support | Rich messaging apps |
JMAP Mail Properties
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier |
blobId | String | Content blob ID |
threadId | String | Thread identifier |
mailboxIds | Object | Mailbox IDs |
keywords | Object | Message keywords/flags |
size | Number | Message size in bytes |
receivedAt | DateTime | Receipt timestamp |
messageId | String | Message-ID header |
inReplyTo | String | In-Reply-To header |
references | String[] | References header |
sender | EmailAddress[] | Sender addresses |
from | EmailAddress[] | From addresses |
to | EmailAddress[] | To addresses |
cc | EmailAddress[] | Cc addresses |
bcc | EmailAddress[] | Bcc addresses |
replyTo | EmailAddress[] | Reply-To addresses |
subject | String | Message subject |
sentAt | DateTime | Sent timestamp |
hasAttachment | Boolean | Has attachments |
preview | String | Message preview |
bodyValues | Object | Message body values |
textBody | String[] | Text body part IDs |
htmlBody | String[] | HTML body part IDs |
attachments | String[] | Attachment part IDs |
headers | Object | Raw headers |
- UBL Communication - Universal Business Language
- UBL Common Library - Common components
- UBL Extensions - Custom extensions
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Business document focus | Complex structure | Business communications |
Formal communication | Verbose format | Formal notifications |
Process integration | Business-only focus | Process documentation |
Structured metadata | Limited personal messaging | Regulatory communications |
XML validation | Supply chain messaging |
UBL Communication Properties
Property | Type | Description |
ID | Identifier | Unique identifier |
UUID | Identifier | Universally unique identifier |
ChannelCode | Code | Communication channel code |
ChannelID | Identifier | Channel identifier |
Value | Text | Communication value (e.g., phone number, email) |
Note | Text | Additional notes |
StatusCode | Code | Status code |
IssueDate | Date | Issue date |
IssueTime | Time | Issue time |
EffectiveDate | Date | Effective date |
EffectiveTime | Time | Effective time |
SenderParty | Party | Sender information |
ReceiverParty | Party | Receiver information |
CopyIndicator | Indicator | Copy indicator |
AttachmentID | Identifier | Attachment identifier |
ExternalReference | Reference | External reference |
Property Comparison
The following table compares message properties across relevant standards:
Our Property | RFC 5322 | JMAP | | UBL | Description |
Core Properties | |||||
id | Message-ID | id | identifier | ID | Unique identifier |
about | Subject | subject | about | Subject | Message subject |
text | Body | bodyValues | text | TextContent | Message content |
from | From | from | sender | SenderParty | Sender information |
recipient | To/Cc/Bcc | to/cc/bcc | recipient | ReceiverParty | Recipient information |
dateSent | Date | sentAt | dateSent | IssueDate | When message was sent |
dateReceived | Received | receivedAt | dateReceived | ReceivedDate | When message was received |
dateRead | - | - | dateRead | - | When message was read |
attachment | Attachment | attachments | messageAttachment | Attachment | File attachments |
Threading Properties | |||||
thread | References/Thread-ID | threadId | - | - | Thread identifier |
inReplyTo | In-Reply-To | inReplyTo | - | - | Message being replied to |
references | References | references | - | - | Related messages |
Metadata Properties | |||||
channel | - | - | - | ChannelCode | Communication channel |
direction | - | - | - | - | Message direction |
status | - | keywords | - | StatusCode | Delivery status |
language | Content-Language | - | inLanguage | - | Message language |
priority | Priority | - | - | - | Message priority |
System Properties | |||||
createdAt | - | - | dateCreated | - | Creation timestamp |
updatedAt | - | - | dateModified | - | Last update timestamp |
createdBy | - | - | creator | - | Record creator |
updatedBy | - | - | editor | - | Last modifier |
Our Hybrid Approach
Based on this analysis, our message register uses a hybrid approach that:
Adopts RFC 5322 as the foundation
- Ensures compatibility with email systems
- Leverages a mature, widely-implemented standard
- Provides a comprehensive message structure
Incorporates JMAP concepts
- Adds modern API capabilities
- Improves threading and synchronization
- Supports efficient client operations
Includes properties
- Enhances semantic relationships
- Improves web discoverability
- Supports knowledge graph integration
Adds UBL elements for business context
- Supports formal business communications
- Enables process integration
- Provides structured metadata
This approach ensures that our message register works with existing email systems while providing the rich features needed for business communication management.
Property | Description | Example | Type | Origin |
id | Unique identifier | "msg-12345" | string | RFC 5322 Message-ID |
subject | Message subject | "Project Update - June 2023" | string | RFC 5322 Subject |
body | Message content | "Dear John, I'm writing to update you on..." | string | RFC 5322 Body |
from | Sender information | {"name": "Jane Doe", "email": ""} | object | RFC 5322 From |
to | Recipient information | [{"name": "John Smith", "email": ""}] | array[object] | RFC 5322 To |
cc | Carbon copy recipients | [{"name": "Alice Brown", "email": ""}] | array[object] | RFC 5322 Cc |
sentAt | When message was sent | "2023-06-10T14:30:00Z" | string (ISO 8601) | RFC 5322 Date |
receivedAt | When message was received | "2023-06-10T14:31:05Z" | string (ISO 8601) | RFC 5322 Received |
readAt | When message was read | "2023-06-10T15:45:22Z" | string (ISO 8601) | JMAP ReadAt |
attachments | File attachments | [{"name": "proposal.pdf", "url": "https://..."}] | array[object] | MIME Attachments |
thread | Thread identifier | "thread-123456" | string | RFC 5322 References |
inReplyTo | Message being replied to | "msg-12344" | string | RFC 5322 In-Reply-To |
references | Related messages | ["msg-12343", "msg-12344"] | array[string] | RFC 5322 References |
channel | Communication channel | "email", "sms", "chat", "phone" | string (enum) | UBL Channel Code |
direction | Message direction | "inbound", "outbound" | string (enum) | MessageDirection |
status | Delivery status | "sent", "delivered", "read", "failed" | string (enum) | JMAP DeliveryStatus |
A thread is a way to group related messages together in a conversation. In messaging systems, it acts like a conversation ID that links all messages in a back-and-forth exchange. For example, when someone replies to an email or chat message, all those messages share the same thread ID (usually the UUID of the first message in the conversation) to keep them connected.
Note Object
For client notes, we'll create a schema based on's Comment type as our primary foundation, enhanced with properties from UBL's Note element and commercial note-taking platforms to ensure broad compatibility.
Historical Context
Note-taking and comment systems have evolved significantly from simple text annotations to rich, collaborative content platforms. While early digital note systems were primarily text-based, modern note-taking applications support rich formatting, multimedia content, and collaborative features.
The Comment type provides a web-standard approach to representing notes and comments, with strong support for semantic relationships between the note and its subject. By combining this with UBL's more formal Note element structure and features from commercial platforms, we create a note system that works across different contexts from formal business documentation to collaborative team environments.
Standards Comparison
- Standards
- UBL Note Standards
- Microsoft Graph Standards
- Google Keep Standards
- Nextcloud Standards
- Comment - Comment type specification
- CreativeWork - Creative work type specification
- extensions - Schema extensions
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
SEO benefits | Loose structure | Web content |
Flexible format | Web focused | Public notes |
Web standards | Basic validation | Blog comments |
Rich properties | Limited tooling | Reviews |
Growing support | Evolving spec | Social content | Comment Properties
Property | Type | Description |
identifier | Text/URL | Unique identifier |
name | Text | Title or headline |
text | Text | The actual comment content |
about | Thing | The subject of the comment |
author | Person/Organization | Who created the comment |
dateCreated | DateTime | When the comment was created |
dateModified | DateTime | When the comment was last modified |
upvoteCount | Integer | Number of upvotes |
downvoteCount | Integer | Number of downvotes |
parentItem | Comment | Parent comment in a thread |
url | URL | URL of the comment |
version | Number/Text | Version of the comment |
contentLocation | Place | Location the comment is about |
contentRating | Rating | Rating given in the comment |
keywords | Text | Keywords or tags |
inLanguage | Language/Text | Language of the content |
encodingFormat | Text | Format of the content |
publisher | Person/Organization | Who published the comment |
isPartOf | CreativeWork | Larger work this is part of |
position | Integer/Text | Position in a series |
accessMode | Text | System of access |
accessModeSufficient | Text | Sufficient access mode |
accessibilityAPI | Text | Accessibility API used |
accessibilityControl | Text | Control methods |
accessibilityFeature | Text | Accessibility features |
accessibilityHazard | Text | Potential hazards |
- UBL Note Schema - Note element definition
- UBL Common Library - Common components
- UBL Extensions - Custom extensions
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Business focused | Complex structure | Business docs |
XML validation | XML only | Formal notes |
Enterprise ready | Limited features | Legal records |
Standard schemas | Rigid format | Compliance |
Broad adoption | Business specific | Enterprise systems |
UBL Note Properties
Property | Type | Description |
ID | Identifier | Unique identifier |
Note | Text | Note content |
Subject | Text | Note subject/title |
IssueDate | Date | Date of creation |
IssueTime | Time | Issue time |
NoteTypeCode | Code | Type of note |
LanguageID | Identifier | Language identifier |
Format | Text | Format of the note |
MimeCode | Code | MIME type |
EncodingCode | Code | Encoding method |
CharacterSetCode | Code | Character set |
VersionID | Identifier | Version identifier |
DocumentStatusCode | Code | Status of the note |
DocumentDescription | Text | Description of the note |
- Microsoft Graph Notes API - OneNote integration
- Microsoft 365 Notes - Notes platform
- Microsoft Graph API - Microsoft 365 API
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Office integration | License costs | Office users |
Rich features | Vendor lock-in | Team notes |
Enterprise ready | Complex setup | Enterprise use |
Strong security | Microsoft focus | Windows systems |
Team support | Limited platforms | Corporate docs |
Microsoft OneNote Properties
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier |
title | String | Note title |
createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Creation date/time |
lastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Last modification date/time |
isDefault | Boolean | Whether this is the default notebook |
userRole | String | User's role for the notebook |
isShared | Boolean | Whether the notebook is shared |
sectionsUrl | URL | URL to the sections in the notebook |
sectionGroupsUrl | URL | URL to the section groups in the notebook |
links | ResourceLinks | Links for opening the notebook |
displayName | String | Display name |
contentUrl | URL | URL for the page content |
content | Stream | Page content |
lastModifiedBy | IdentitySet | Identity of the user who last modified the page |
level | Integer | Indentation level |
order | Integer | Order of the section |
self | URL | URL for the section |
parentNotebook | Notebook | Parent notebook |
parentSectionGroup | SectionGroup | Parent section group |
- Google Keep API - Note taking platform
- Google Drive Integration - Storage backend
- Google Docs API - Document management
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Simple interface | Basic features | Personal notes |
Mobile support | Google ecosystem | Quick capture |
Cloud storage | Limited format | Mobile use |
Gmail integration | Simple structure | Simple lists |
Collaboration | Consumer focus | Reminders |
Google Keep Properties
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier |
title | String | Note title |
textContent | String | Text content |
listContent | List | List items |
isPinned | Boolean | Whether the note is pinned |
isArchived | Boolean | Whether the note is archived |
color | String | Note color |
labels | List | Labels/tags |
annotations | List | Annotations (URLs, places) |
reminders | List | Reminders |
collaborators | List | Collaborators |
createdTimestampUsec | Long | Creation timestamp |
userEditedTimestampUsec | Long | Last edit timestamp |
trashed | Boolean | Whether the note is in trash |
attachments | List | Attachments |
checklist | List | Checklist items |
shareState | String | Sharing state |
version | Long | Note version |
- Nextcloud Notes API - Notes integration
- Nextcloud Text - Rich text editor
- Nextcloud Files API - File management
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Self hosted | Server needed | Private notes |
Open source | Basic features | Team sharing |
File sync | Limited apps | File storage |
Markdown support | Simple format | Personal cloud |
Privacy focus | Community support | Markdown docs |
Nextcloud Notes Properties
Property | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique identifier |
title | String | Note title |
content | String | Note content |
category | String | Category/folder |
favorite | Boolean | Whether the note is favorited |
modified | Integer | Modification timestamp |
etag | String | Entity tag for caching |
shareTypes | Array | Types of shares |
shareWith | Array | Users/groups to share with |
permissions | Integer | Permission bitmask |
readonly | Boolean | Whether the note is read-only |
contentType | String | Content type (text/markdown) |
fileid | Integer | File ID in storage |
path | String | Path in storage |
userId | String | Owner user ID |
autotitle | Boolean | Auto-generate title from content |
attachments | Array | Attached files |
Property Comparison
The following table compares note properties across relevant standards and platforms:
Our Property | | UBL | Microsoft 365 | Google Docs | Nextcloud | Description |
Core Properties | ||||||
id | identifier | ID | id | id | id | Unique identifier |
title | name | Subject | title | title | title | Note title |
content | text | Note | content | textContent | content | Note content |
about | about | - | - | - | - | What the note is about |
format | encodingFormat | Format | contentType | - | contentType | Content format |
language | inLanguage | LanguageID | language | - | - | Content language |
Metadata Properties | ||||||
createdBy | author | IssuerParty | createdBy | - | userId | Author information |
createdAt | dateCreated | IssueDate | createdDateTime | - | - | Creation timestamp |
updatedAt | dateModified | - | lastModifiedDateTime | - | modified | Last update timestamp |
version | version | VersionID | - | - | etag | Version number |
parent | isPartOf | - | parentNotebook | - | category | Parent container |
Organization Properties | ||||||
tags | keywords | - | - | - | - | Categorization tags |
visibility | - | - | - | - | shareTypes | Visibility settings |
pinned | - | - | - | - | favorite | Whether note is pinned |
Relationships | ||||||
about | about | - | - | - | - | Associated client/entity |
references | - | - | - | - | - | Referenced content |
Our Hybrid Approach
Based on this analysis, our note register uses a hybrid approach that:
Adopts Comment as the foundation
- Ensures web compatibility
- Provides simple, clear structure
- Supports semantic relationships
Adds rich content capabilities
- Supports formatted text
- Enables multimedia content
- Provides flexible layout options
Includes organizational features
- Supports categorization and tagging
- Enables pinning important notes
- Provides visibility controls
Incorporates CRM-inspired metadata
- Links notes to business processes
- Tracks authorship and history
- Supports relationship modeling
This approach ensures that our note register provides a flexible yet structured way to capture important client information that doesn't fit into other structured data models.
Property | Description | Example | Type | Origin |
id | Unique identifier for the note | "note-123456" | string | identifier |
title | Note title | "Meeting Summary - June 10" | string | name |
content | Note content | "Met with client to discuss new requirements..." | string | text |
about | Reference to the object this note is about | 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 | uuid/uri | about |
format | Content format | "text/html" | string | encodingFormat |
language | Content language | "en-US" | string | inLanguage |
createdBy | Author information | {"id": "user-123", "name": "Jane Doe"} | object | author |
createdAt | Creation timestamp | "2023-06-10T16:30:00Z" | string (ISO 8601) | dateCreated |
updatedAt | Last update timestamp | "2023-06-11T09:15:00Z" | string (ISO 8601) | dateModified |
version | Version number | "1.2" | string | version |
parent | Parent container reference | "folder-789" | string | isPartOf |
tags | Categorization tags | ["meeting", "requirements", "important"] | array[string] | keywords |
visibility | Who can see the note | "private", "team", "public" | string (enum) | Microsoft/Google extension |
pinned | Whether note is pinned | true/false | boolean | Google Keep isPinned |
shared | Sharing status | {"type": "team", "users": ["user-456"]} | object | Nextcloud shareTypes |
permissions | Access rights | ["read", "write", "share"] | array[string] | Nextcloud permissions |
The 'about' property is based on's about property, which indicates the subject matter of the content. In our implementation, we use it to create a direct link between the note and the entity it refers to (like a client, task, or message). The value should be a UUID or URI that uniquely identifies the referenced object. This creates a semantic relationship that can be used for filtering, searching, and organizing notes by their subject matter.
For example, a note with about: "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000" indicates this note is about that specific client record.
This schema ensures notes can be:
- Synchronized with Office 365 OneNote/SharePoint
- Integrated with Google Keep/Docs
- Shared via Nextcloud Notes
- Embedded in UBL business documents
- Indexed for semantic search
Order Object
For orders associated with clients, we'll use the Universal Business Language (UBL) Order schema as our primary foundation, while incorporating elements from other standards to create a comprehensive order model suitable for government and business contexts.
Historical Context
The concept of standardized order documents has evolved significantly from paper-based purchase orders to electronic data interchange (EDI) formats and modern XML/JSON-based standards. The Universal Business Language (UBL) Order schema represents one of the most comprehensive and widely adopted standards for electronic order documents in Europe.
Developed by OASIS and adopted as an ISO standard (ISO/IEC 19845), UBL provides a rich set of elements for representing orders in both commercial and governmental contexts. The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) has further endorsed UBL as part of the European e-procurement standards.
Standards Comparison
- UBL Standards
- PEPPOL Standards
- Standards
- UN/EDIFACT Standards
- UBL Order Schema - Order document schema
- UBL Order Response Schema - Order response schema
- UBL Order Change Schema - Order change schema
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
ISO/EU standard | Complex structure | Government procurement |
Comprehensive | Steep learning curve | B2G transactions |
Legally recognized | Verbose XML format | Formal order processes |
Strong validation | Implementation cost | Regulatory compliance |
Cross-border support | Limited flexibility | Public sector orders |
UBL Order Properties
Property | Type | Description |
ID | Identifier | Order identifier |
SalesOrderID | Identifier | Sales order identifier |
UUID | Identifier | Universally unique identifier |
IssueDate | Date | Date when the order was issued |
IssueTime | Time | Time when the order was issued |
OrderTypeCode | Code | Order type code |
Note | Text | Note text |
RequestedInvoiceCurrencyCode | Code | Requested invoice currency |
DocumentCurrencyCode | Code | Document currency |
PricingCurrencyCode | Code | Pricing currency |
TaxCurrencyCode | Code | Tax currency |
CustomerReference | Text | Customer's reference |
AccountingCostCode | Code | Accounting cost code |
AccountingCost | Text | Accounting cost |
LineCountNumeric | Numeric | Number of lines in the order |
ValidityPeriod | Period | Validity period |
QuotationDocumentReference | Reference | Reference to quotation |
OrderDocumentReference | Reference | Reference to another order |
OriginatorDocumentReference | Reference | Reference to originator document |
BuyerCustomerParty | Party | Buyer information |
SellerSupplierParty | Party | Seller information |
OriginatorCustomerParty | Party | Originator information |
FreightForwarderParty | Party | Freight forwarder information |
AccountingCustomerParty | Party | Accounting customer information |
Delivery | Delivery | Delivery information |
DeliveryTerms | Terms | Delivery terms |
PaymentMeans | PaymentMeans | Payment means |
PaymentTerms | Terms | Payment terms |
AllowanceCharge | AllowanceCharge | Allowance or charge |
TaxTotal | TaxTotal | Tax total |
AnticipatedMonetaryTotal | MonetaryTotal | Anticipated monetary total |
OrderLine | OrderLine | Order line |
- PEPPOL BIS Order - PEPPOL Business Interoperability Specification for Orders
- PEPPOL BIS Order Response - Order response specification
- PEPPOL Access Point - Transport infrastructure
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
European network | Requires access point | Cross-border procurement |
Standardized process | Implementation cost | EU public procurement |
Legal compliance | Limited customization | Pan-European trade |
Validated delivery | Formal onboarding | Government suppliers |
Secure transport | Technical complexity | Regulated industries |
PEPPOL Order Properties
Property | Type | Description |
CustomizationID | Identifier | Specification identification |
ProfileID | Identifier | Process profile identification |
ID | Identifier | Order identifier |
IssueDate | Date | Order issue date |
DocumentCurrencyCode | Code | Document currency |
AccountingCost | Text | Buyer accounting reference |
ValidityPeriod | Period | Order validity period |
OrderReference | Reference | Reference to previous order |
OriginatorDocumentReference | Reference | Reference to originating document |
AdditionalDocumentReference | Reference | Additional document reference |
BuyerCustomerParty | Party | Buyer information |
SellerSupplierParty | Party | Seller information |
Delivery | Delivery | Delivery information |
DeliveryTerms | Terms | Delivery terms |
PaymentMeans | PaymentMeans | Payment means |
PaymentTerms | Terms | Payment terms |
AllowanceCharge | AllowanceCharge | Allowance or charge |
TaxTotal | TaxTotal | Tax total amount |
AnticipatedMonetaryTotal | MonetaryTotal | Order total amount |
OrderLine | OrderLine | Order line item |
- Order - Order representation
- OrderItem - Order item representation
- OrderStatus - Order status representation
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
SEO benefits | Limited validation | Web storefronts |
Simple structure | Basic properties | Online ordering |
Web integration | Limited business logic | Public-facing systems |
Search visibility | Few implementations | Service catalogs |
JSON-LD support | Consumer focus | Citizen services | Order Properties
Property | Type | Description |
identifier | Text/URL | Order identifier |
orderNumber | Text | Order number |
orderStatus | OrderStatus | Status of the order |
orderDate | DateTime | Date order was placed |
paymentDueDate | DateTime | Date payment is due |
paymentMethod | PaymentMethod | Payment method |
paymentMethodId | Text | Payment method identifier |
paymentUrl | URL | URL for payment |
billingAddress | PostalAddress | Billing address |
customer | Organization/Person | Customer information |
merchant | Organization/Person | Merchant information |
seller | Organization/Person | Seller information |
orderedItem | OrderItem/Product | Items ordered |
discount | Number/Text | Discount applied |
discountCode | Text | Discount code used |
discountCurrency | Text | Currency of the discount |
tax | Number/MonetaryAmount | Tax applied |
taxSpec | TaxType | Tax specification |
confirmationNumber | Text | Confirmation number |
broker | Organization/Person | Broker information |
acceptedOffer | Offer | Accepted offer |
priceCurrency | Text | Currency used for prices |
totalPrice | Number/Text | Total price |
partOfInvoice | Invoice | Invoice this order is part of |
potentialAction | Action | Potential actions |
- EDIFACT ORDERS - Purchase order message
- EDIFACT ORDRSP - Purchase order response message
- EDIFACT ORDCHG - Purchase order change message
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Legacy support | Outdated syntax | Legacy systems |
Widespread adoption | Complex format | Large enterprises |
International standard | Limited readability | Global trade |
Mature implementations | Technical expertise | Supply chains |
Comprehensive | Maintenance cost | Established EDI |
Property | Type | Description |
BGM | Segment | Beginning of message |
DTM | Segment | Date/time/period |
PAI | Segment | Payment instructions |
ALI | Segment | Additional information |
IMD | Segment | Item description |
FTX | Segment | Free text |
RFF | Segment | Reference |
NAD | Segment | Name and address |
CTA | Segment | Contact information |
LOC | Segment | Location identification |
TOD | Segment | Terms of delivery |
PAT | Segment | Payment terms basis |
TDT | Segment | Transport information |
PAC | Segment | Package |
PRI | Segment | Price details |
TAX | Segment | Duty/tax/fee details |
MOA | Segment | Monetary amount |
LIN | Segment | Line item |
PIA | Segment | Additional product ID |
QTY | Segment | Quantity |
UNS | Segment | Section control |
CNT | Segment | Control total |
UNT | Segment | Message trailer |
Property Comparison
The following table compares order properties across relevant standards:
Our Property | UBL | PEPPOL | | UN/EDIFACT | Description |
Core Properties | |||||
id | ID | ID | identifier | BGM | Order identifier |
orderNumber | ID | ID | orderNumber | BGM | Order number |
issueDate | IssueDate | IssueDate | orderDate | DTM | Date order was issued |
orderType | OrderTypeCode | - | - | BGM | Type of order |
status | - | - | orderStatus | BGM | Order status |
currency | DocumentCurrencyCode | DocumentCurrencyCode | priceCurrency | CUX | Currency code |
note | Note | Note | - | FTX | Note text |
Party Properties | |||||
buyer | BuyerCustomerParty | BuyerCustomerParty | customer | NAD | Buyer information |
seller | SellerSupplierParty | SellerSupplierParty | seller | NAD | Seller information |
originator | OriginatorCustomerParty | - | - | NAD | Originator information |
Delivery Properties | |||||
deliveryTerms | DeliveryTerms | DeliveryTerms | - | TOD | Delivery terms |
deliveryLocation | Delivery | Delivery | - | LOC | Delivery location |
deliveryDate | Delivery/RequestedDeliveryPeriod | Delivery/RequestedDeliveryPeriod | - | DTM | Requested delivery date |
Payment Properties | |||||
paymentTerms | PaymentTerms | PaymentTerms | paymentDueDate | PAT | Payment terms |
paymentMethod | PaymentMeans | PaymentMeans | paymentMethod | PAI | Payment method |
Amount Properties | |||||
totalAmount | AnticipatedMonetaryTotal | AnticipatedMonetaryTotal | totalPrice | MOA | Total amount |
taxTotal | TaxTotal | TaxTotal | tax | TAX | Tax total |
Line Items | |||||
orderLines | OrderLine | OrderLine | orderedItem | LIN | Order line items |
Metadata Properties | |||||
reference | CustomerReference | - | - | RFF | Customer's reference |
accountingCode | AccountingCostCode | AccountingCost | - | - | Accounting code |
createdBy | - | - | - | - | User who created the order |
createdAt | IssueDate/IssueTime | IssueDate | orderDate | DTM | Creation timestamp |
updatedAt | - | - | - | - | Last update timestamp |
Our Hybrid Approach
Based on this analysis, our order register uses a hybrid approach that:
Adopts UBL Order as the foundation
- Ensures compliance with European procurement standards
- Provides a comprehensive order structure
- Supports legal and regulatory requirements
Simplifies the structure for government services
- Reduces complexity for citizen-facing services
- Focuses on essential order properties
- Improves usability for non-commercial contexts
Incorporates properties
- Enhances web discoverability
- Supports online service catalogs
- Improves citizen service portals
Maintains PEPPOL compatibility
- Enables cross-border procurement
- Supports European e-procurement network
- Ensures interoperability with existing systems
This approach ensures that our order register works for both traditional procurement scenarios and modern government service delivery contexts.
Property | Description | Example | Type | Origin |
id | Unique identifier | "order-12345" | string | UBL ID |
orderNumber | Human-readable order number | "ORD-2023-12345" | string | UBL ID |
issueDate | Date order was issued | "2023-06-15" | string (ISO 8601) | UBL IssueDate |
orderType | Type of order | "standard", "renewal", "amendment" | string (enum) | UBL OrderTypeCode |
status | Order status | "pending", "approved", "completed", "cancelled" | string (enum) | orderStatus |
currency | Currency code | "EUR" | string | UBL DocumentCurrencyCode |
note | Additional notes | "Please deliver to reception desk" | string | UBL Note |
buyer | Buyer information | {"id": "client-789", "name": "John Smith"} | object | UBL BuyerCustomerParty |
seller | Seller information | {"id": "org-456", "name": "City Services Department"} | object | UBL SellerSupplierParty |
deliveryTerms | Delivery terms | "Free delivery" | string | UBL DeliveryTerms |
deliveryLocation | Delivery location | {"address": "123 Main St", "city": "Amsterdam"} | object | UBL Delivery |
deliveryDate | Requested delivery date | "2023-07-01" | string (ISO 8601) | UBL RequestedDeliveryPeriod |
paymentTerms | Payment terms | "30 days" | string | UBL PaymentTerms |
paymentMethod | Payment method | "credit_card", "bank_transfer", "direct_debit" | string (enum) | UBL PaymentMeans |
totalAmount | Total order amount | {"value": 125.50, "currency": "EUR"} | object | UBL AnticipatedMonetaryTotal |
taxTotal | Tax amount | {"value": 25.10, "currency": "EUR"} | object | UBL TaxTotal |
orderLines | Order line items | [{"id": "line-1", "product": "product-123", "quantity": 2, "unitPrice": 50.00}] | array[object] | UBL OrderLine |
reference | Customer reference | "REF-2023-001" | string | UBL CustomerReference |
accountingCode | Accounting code | "DEPT-123-456" | string | UBL AccountingCostCode |
createdBy | User who created the order | {"id": "user-123", "name": "Jane Doe"} | object | System extension |
createdAt | Creation timestamp | "2023-06-15T10:30:00Z" | string (ISO 8601) | UBL IssueDate/IssueTime |
updatedAt | Last update timestamp | "2023-06-16T14:15:00Z" | string (ISO 8601) | System extension |
Product Object
For products and services offered to clients, we'll use the Universal Business Language (UBL) Item schema as our primary foundation, while incorporating elements from other standards to create a comprehensive product model suitable for government and business contexts.
Historical Context
Product and service catalogs have evolved from paper catalogs to electronic formats, with various standards emerging to describe products and services in different contexts. The Universal Business Language (UBL) Item schema provides a comprehensive approach to representing products and services in formal business and government contexts.
In the government context, products often represent permits, licenses, documents, and other tangible items that citizens and businesses can request. Having a standardized way to represent these products ensures consistency across different government services and improves interoperability between systems.
Standards Comparison
- UBL Standards
- Standards
- Common Procurement Vocabulary
- UNSPSC Standards
- UBL Item Schema - Item definition
- UBL Catalogue Schema - Catalogue definition
- UBL Common Library - Common components
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
ISO/EU standard | Complex structure | Government catalogs |
Comprehensive | Steep learning curve | Formal procurement |
Legally recognized | Verbose XML format | Regulated products |
Strong validation | Implementation cost | Cross-border trade |
Multilingual support | Limited flexibility | Public sector catalogs |
UBL Item Properties
Property | Type | Description |
Description | Text | Item description |
PackQuantity | Quantity | Package quantity |
PackSizeNumeric | Numeric | Pack size |
CatalogueIndicator | Indicator | Catalogue indicator |
Name | Name | Item name |
HazardousRiskIndicator | Indicator | Hazardous risk indicator |
AdditionalInformation | Text | Additional information |
Keyword | Text | Keyword |
BrandName | Name | Brand name |
ModelName | Name | Model name |
ManufacturerParty | Party | Manufacturer information |
InformationContentProviderParty | Party | Information provider |
OriginCountry | Country | Country of origin |
CommodityClassification | Classification | Commodity classification |
TransactionConditions | Conditions | Transaction conditions |
HazardousItem | Item | Hazardous item information |
ClassifiedTaxCategory | TaxCategory | Tax category |
AdditionalItemProperty | ItemProperty | Additional item property |
ManufacturerItemIdentification | Identification | Manufacturer's item ID |
CatalogueItemIdentification | Identification | Catalogue item ID |
StandardItemIdentification | Identification | Standard item ID |
ItemSpecificationDocumentReference | Reference | Item specification document |
OriginAddress | Address | Origin address |
ItemInstance | ItemInstance | Item instance |
- Product - Product representation
- Service - Service representation
- Offer - Offer representation
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
SEO benefits | Limited validation | Web catalogs |
Simple structure | Basic properties | Online services |
Web integration | Limited business logic | Public-facing systems |
Search visibility | Consumer focus | Citizen services |
JSON-LD support | Few government examples | Service directories | Product Properties
Property | Type | Description |
identifier | Text/URL | Product identifier |
name | Text | Product name |
description | Text | Product description |
image | URL/ImageObject | Product image |
brand | Brand/Organization | Brand |
manufacturer | Organization | Manufacturer |
model | Text/ProductModel | Model |
productID | Text | Product ID |
sku | Text | Stock keeping unit |
gtin | Text | Global Trade Item Number |
gtin8 | Text | GTIN-8 code |
gtin12 | Text | GTIN-12 code |
gtin13 | Text | GTIN-13 code |
mpn | Text | Manufacturer Part Number |
color | Text | Color |
material | Text/Product | Material |
weight | QuantitativeValue | Weight |
width | QuantitativeValue | Width |
height | QuantitativeValue | Height |
depth | QuantitativeValue | Depth |
additionalProperty | PropertyValue | Additional property |
category | Text/PhysicalActivityCategory | Category |
offers | Offer | Offers |
review | Review | Reviews |
aggregateRating | AggregateRating | Aggregate rating |
audience | Audience | Target audience |
award | Text | Awards |
hasMerchantReturnPolicy | MerchantReturnPolicy | Return policy |
isAccessoryOrSparePartFor | Product | Accessory or spare part for |
isConsumableFor | Product | Consumable for |
isRelatedTo | Product/Service | Related products |
isSimilarTo | Product/Service | Similar products |
itemCondition | OfferItemCondition | Item condition |
logo | ImageObject/URL | Logo |
productionDate | Date | Production date |
purchaseDate | Date | Purchase date |
releaseDate | Date | Release date |
url | URL | URL |
- CPV 2008 - Common Procurement Vocabulary
- CPV Supplementary Vocabulary - Additional attributes
- CPV Explanatory Notes - Explanatory notes
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
EU official standard | Classification only | Public procurement |
Comprehensive codes | No product properties | Tender notices |
Multilingual | Limited descriptive power | Procurement reporting |
Hierarchical structure | No technical specifications | Statistical analysis |
Mandatory for EU tenders | Regular updates needed | Procurement categorization |
CPV Structure
Level | Format | Description |
Division | XX000000-Y | Main divisions (first two digits) |
Group | XXX00000-Y | Groups (first three digits) |
Class | XXXX0000-Y | Classes (first four digits) |
Category | XXXXX000-Y | Categories (first five digits) |
Subcategory | XXXXXXXX-Y | Subcategories (first eight digits) |
Check digit | Y | Verification digit |
CPV Examples
CPV Code | Description |
03000000-1 | Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products |
09000000-3 | Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy |
45000000-7 | Construction work |
50000000-5 | Repair and maintenance services |
60000000-8 | Transport services |
71000000-8 | Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services |
75000000-6 | Administration, defence and social security services |
80000000-4 | Education and training services |
85000000-9 | Health and social work services |
92000000-1 | Recreational, cultural and sporting services |
- UNSPSC - United Nations Standard Products and Services Code
- UNSPSC Codeset - Code downloads
- UNSPSC Guidelines - Implementation guidelines
Strengths | Limitations | Best Used For |
Global standard | Classification only | Global procurement |
Hierarchical | No product properties | Spend analysis |
Comprehensive | Limited descriptive power | Inventory management |
Industry-neutral | Regular updates needed | Supply chain |
Multilingual | Implementation complexity | Cross-border trade |
UNSPSC Structure
Level | Format | Description |
Segment | XX000000 | Logical aggregation of families (first two digits) |
Family | XXXX0000 | Commonly recognized group of categories (first four digits) |
Class | XXXXXX00 | Group of commodities with same use/function (first six digits) |
Commodity | XXXXXXXX | Group of substitutable products/services (all eight digits) |
UNSPSC Examples
UNSPSC Code | Description |
43000000 | Information Technology, Broadcasting and Telecommunications |
80000000 | Management and Business Professionals and Administrative Services |
84000000 | Financial and Insurance Services |
85000000 | Healthcare Services |
90000000 | Travel, Food, Lodging and Entertainment Services |
92000000 | National Defense and Public Order/Security and Safety Services |
93000000 | Politics and Civic Affairs Services |
94000000 | Organizations and Clubs |
Property Comparison
The following table compares product properties across relevant standards:
Our Property | UBL | | CPV | UNSPSC | Description |
Core Properties | |||||
id | ID | identifier | - | - | Product identifier |
name | Name | name | - | - | Product name |
description | Description | description | - | - | Product description |
type | - | '@type' | - | - | Product type |
category | CommodityClassification | category | CPV code | UNSPSC code | Product category |
Classification Properties | |||||
classificationScheme | CommodityClassification/@listName | - | "CPV" | "UNSPSC" | Classification scheme |
classificationCode | CommodityClassification/ItemClassificationCode | - | Code value | Code value | Classification code |
classificationName | CommodityClassification/ItemClassificationCode/@name | - | Code description | Code description | Classification name |
Identification Properties | |||||
productId | StandardItemIdentification | productID | - | - | Product ID |
sku | CatalogueItemIdentification | sku | - | - | Stock keeping unit |
Descriptive Properties | |||||
brand | BrandName | brand | - | - | Brand name |
model | ModelName | model | - | - | Model name |
manufacturer | ManufacturerParty | manufacturer | - | - | Manufacturer |
origin | OriginCountry | - | - | - | Country of origin |
keywords | Keyword | - | - | - | Keywords |
Physical Properties | |||||
dimensions | AdditionalItemProperty | width/height/depth | - | - | Dimensions |
weight | AdditionalItemProperty | weight | - | - | Weight |
color | AdditionalItemProperty | color | - | - | Color |
material | AdditionalItemProperty | material | - | - | Material |
Commercial Properties | |||||
price | - | offers.price | - | - | Price |
currency | - | offers.priceCurrency | - | - | Currency |
availability | - | offers.availability | - | - | Availability |
validFrom | - | offers.validFrom | - | - | Valid from date |
validThrough | - | offers.validThrough | - | - | Valid through date |
Metadata Properties | |||||
createdAt | - | - | - | - | Creation timestamp |
updatedAt | - | - | - | - | Last update timestamp |
createdBy | - | - | - | - | Creator |
status | - | - | - | - | Status |
Our Hybrid Approach
Based on this analysis, our product register uses a hybrid approach that:
Adopts UBL Item as the foundation
- Ensures compliance with European procurement standards
- Provides a comprehensive product structure
- Supports legal and regulatory requirements
Incorporates properties
- Enhances web discoverability
- Supports online service catalogs
- Improves citizen service portals
Uses standard classification systems
- Integrates CPV for European procurement
- Supports UNSPSC for global compatibility
- Enables statistical analysis and reporting
Adds government-specific extensions
- Supports permit and license products
- Includes administrative requirements
- Addresses citizen service needs
This approach ensures that our product register works for both traditional procurement scenarios and modern government service delivery contexts.
Property | Description | Example | Type | Origin |
id | Unique identifier | "product-12345" | string | UBL ID |
name | Product name | "Building Permit - Residential" | string | UBL Name |
description | Product description | "Permit for residential building construction" | string | UBL Description |
type | Product type | "permit", "license", "document", "service" | string (enum) | '@type' |
category | Product category | "Construction permits" | string | UBL CommodityClassification |
classificationScheme | Classification scheme | "CPV" | string | UBL CommodityClassification/@listName |
classificationCode | Classification code | "45214400-4" | string | UBL ItemClassificationCode |
classificationName | Classification name | "Building construction work" | string | UBL ItemClassificationCode/@name |
productId | Product ID | "BLD-RES-001" | string | UBL StandardItemIdentification |
keywords | Keywords | ["permit", "construction", "residential"] | array[string] | UBL Keyword |
department | Responsible department | "Building and Housing Department" | string | UBL InformationContentProviderParty |
requirements | Requirements | ["ID proof", "Property documents", "Building plans"] | array[string] | UBL AdditionalItemProperty |
processingTime | Processing time | "10 business days" | string |