Advanced Search
Open Register provides powerful search capabilities that allow filtering objects based on their properties using a flexible query syntax.
The search system enables you to filter objects using query parameters. However, it's important to note that this approach is limited by the maximum URL length supported by browsers and servers (typically 2,048 characters for most browsers).
For more complex queries that exceed URL length limitations, we are planning to implement GraphQL support in the future. This would enable:
- Deeply nested queries
- Complex filtering logic
- Precise field selection
- Batch operations
- Real-time subscriptions
Note: GraphQL implementation is currently pending funding. If you're interested in supporting this feature, please contact us.
In the meantime, here are the available search capabilities using URL parameters:
Operator | Description | Example |
= | Equals (case insensitive) | name=nemo |
!= | Not equals (case insensitive) | name[!=]=nemo |
> | Greater than | age[>]=5 |
< | Less than | weight[<]=10 |
>= | Greater than or equal | age[>=]=2 |
<= | Less than or equal | age[<=]=10 |
~ | Contains (case insensitive) | name[~]=ne |
^ | Starts with (case insensitive) | name[^]=ne |
$ | Ends with (case insensitive) | name[$]=mo |
=== | Equals (case sensitive) | name[===]=Nemo |
exists | Property exists check | microchip[exists]=true |
empty | Empty value check | notes[empty]=true |
null | Null value check | owner[null]=true |
Full Text Search
The _search
parameter allows searching across all text properties of objects in a case-insensitive way:
GET /api/pets?_search=nemo
This searches for "nemo" in all text fields like name, description, notes etc.
Wildcard Search
You can use wildcards in the search term:
matches zero or more charactersGET /api/pets?_search=ne*o
Matches "nemo", "negro", "neuro" etc.?
matches exactly one characterGET /api/pets?_search=ne?o
Matches "nemo", "nero" but not "neuro"
Pattern Matching
matches start of textGET /api/pets?_search=^ne
Matches text starting with "ne"$
matches end of textGET /api/pets?_search=mo$
Matches text ending with "mo"
Phrase Search
Use quotes for exact phrase matching:
GET /api/pets?_search="orange fish"
Matches the exact phrase "orange fish"
Basic Search
Simple equals search (case insensitive):
GET /api/pets?name=nemo
This returns all pets named "nemo", "Nemo", "NEMO", etc.
Case sensitive search:
GET /api/pets?name[===]=Nemo
This returns only pets named exactly "Nemo".
Comparison Operators
Not Equals (!=)
GET /api/pets?name[!=]=nemo
Returns all pets NOT named "nemo" (case insensitive)
Greater Than (>)
GET /api/pets?age[>]=5
Returns pets older than 5 years
Less Than (<)
GET /api/pets?weight[<]=10
Returns pets weighing less than 10kg
Greater Than or Equal (>=)
GET /api/pets?age[>=]=2
Returns pets 2 years or older
Less Than or Equal (<=)
GET /api/pets?age[<=]=10
Returns pets 10 years or younger
Contains (~)
GET /api/pets?name[~]=ne
Returns pets with "ne" in their name (like "nemo", "nero", "Nemo", etc) - case insensitive
Starts With (^)
GET /api/pets?name[^]=ne
Returns pets whose names start with "ne" (case insensitive)
Ends With ($)
GET /api/pets?name[$]=mo
Returns pets whose names end with "mo" (case insensitive)
Combining Multiple Conditions
AND Operations
GET /api/pets?name=nemo&type=fish
Returns pets named "nemo" (case insensitive) AND of type "fish"
OR Operations
GET /api/pets?name[]=nemo&name[]=dory
Returns pets named either "nemo" OR "dory" (case insensitive)
Special Filters
Exists Check
GET /api/pets?microchip[exists]=true
Returns pets that have a microchip property
Empty Check
GET /api/pets?notes[empty]=true
Returns pets with empty notes
Null Check
GET /api/pets?owner[null]=true
Returns pets with no owner
Between Range
GET /api/pets?age[>=]=2&age[<=]=5
Returns pets between 2 and 5 years old (inclusive)
GET /api/pets?age[>]=2&age[<]=5
Returns pets between 2 and 5 years old (exclusive)
Searching Nested Properties
GET /api/pets?
Returns pets whose owners live in Amsterdam (case insensitive)
GET /api/pets?[>]=2023-01-01
Returns pets with vaccinations after January 1st, 2023
Best Practices
- Use URL encoding for special characters
- Keep queries focused and specific
- Use pagination for large result sets
- Consider URL length limitations
- Break complex queries into multiple requests if needed
Related Features
- Automatic Facets - Combine with faceted search
- Elasticsearch - Advanced search capabilities
- Content Search - Full-text search integration
- Access Control - Security for search results