Dutch Case Management (ZGW)
Project Introduction
The Dutch Case Management (Zaakgericht Werken, ZGW) implementation is a collaborative initiative between Open Register and Dutch municipalities. This project aims to implement the Dutch ZGW standards in a practical, interoperable register that can be used by governments throughout the Netherlands to manage cases in a standardized way.
Dutch Collaboration
This project represents a national effort to standardize case management in public administration:
- VNG Realisatie provides the ZGW API standards and specifications
- Dutch municipalities contribute practical implementation experience
- Open Register offers the technical framework for implementing standardized registers
Together, we're working to create a reference implementation that demonstrates how Dutch ZGW standards can be applied in practice to create interoperable case management systems.
Common Ground Integration
This project aligns with the Common Ground principles developed in the Netherlands, which promote:
- Component-based architecture - Building modular, reusable components
- Data at the source - Storing data once and using it multiple times
- Standard APIs - Using standardized interfaces for data exchange
- Open standards - Adopting open standards for interoperability
The Case Management Register serves as a key building block in the Common Ground ecosystem, providing a standardized way to store and access case information across different government services and applications.
Connectivity through Standardization
By implementing Dutch ZGW standards in a practical register, this project contributes to the broader goal of standardized case management in Dutch government organizations.
Key standardization efforts we're building upon include:
- ZGW API Standards - Core standards for case-oriented working
- NL API Strategy - Guidelines for API development in Dutch government
- Common Ground - Vision for modern government information provision
- Dutch Government Reference Architecture (NORA) - Architecture principles
Purpose and Scope
This document presents research and implementation guidance for building case management registers based on Dutch ZGW standards. It aims to:
- Implement ZGW standards for case management
- Compare different approaches to implementing these standards
- Provide practical guidance for implementing a standards-compliant case register
- Demonstrate interoperability with existing systems
The resulting case register design serves as a reference implementation that can be adapted by government agencies across the Netherlands while maintaining interoperability.
References and Standards
This research and implementation guide draws upon the following standards and references:
Core Standards
- ZGW API Standards - Core case management standards
- Catalogi API - Case type definitions
- Zaken API - Case management
- Documenten API - Document management
- Besluiten API - Decision management
Dutch Government Standards
- NL API Strategy - API development guidelines
- NORA - Dutch Government Reference Architecture
- GEMMA - Municipal Reference Architecture
- StUF - Legacy messaging standard
Common Ground Standards
- Common Ground - Vision and principles
- Haven - Component catalog
- NLX - Secure data exchange
Case Management Components
The ZGW standards define several core components for case management:
Catalogi (Case Types)
The Catalogi API defines case types and their properties:
- Case Type
- Status Type
- Result Type
Property | Description | Example |
identificatie | Unique identifier | "ZAAKTYPE-2023-001" |
omschrijving | Description | "Building permit application" |
doel | Purpose | "Process building permit requests" |
aanleiding | Trigger | "Citizen submits permit request" |
toelichting | Explanation | "Detailed process description..." |
servicenorm | Service standard | "8 weeks" |
doorlooptijd | Processing time | "P56D" (ISO 8601 duration) |
vertrouwelijkheidaanduiding | Confidentiality | "openbaar" |
statustypen | Status types | Array of possible statuses |
resultaattypen | Result types | Array of possible results |
Property | Description | Example |
omschrijving | Description | "In treatment" |
statustekst | Status text | "Application is being processed" |
volgnummer | Sequence number | 2 |
isEindstatus | Is final status | false |
Property | Description | Example |
omschrijving | Description | "Permit granted" |
resultaattypeomschrijving | Result type | "Verleend" |
archiefnominatie | Archive designation | "blijvend_bewaren" |
archiefactietermijn | Archive retention | "P5Y" |
Zaken (Cases)
The Zaken API manages actual cases:
- Case
- Status
- Result
Property | Description | Example |
identificatie | Case number | "ZAAK-2023-0001234" |
zaaktype | Case type reference | URI to case type |
status | Current status | URI to status |
omschrijving | Description | "Building permit 123 Main St" |
startdatum | Start date | "2023-06-15" |
einddatum | End date | "2023-08-14" |
registratiedatum | Registration date | "2023-06-15" |
verantwoordelijkeOrganisatie | Responsible org | "123456789" |
vertrouwelijkheidaanduiding | Confidentiality | "openbaar" |
Property | Description | Example |
statustype | Status type reference | URI to status type |
datumStatusGezet | Status date | "2023-06-15T14:30:00Z" |
statustoelichting | Status explanation | "Documents received" |
Property | Description | Example |
resultaattype | Result type reference | URI to result type |
toelichting | Explanation | "All requirements met" |
datum | Result date | "2023-08-14" |
Documenten (Documents)
The Documenten API manages case-related documents:
- Document
- Usage Rights
Property | Description | Example |
identificatie | Document ID | "DOC-2023-0001234" |
bronorganisatie | Source organization | "123456789" |
creatiedatum | Creation date | "2023-06-15" |
titel | Title | "Building plans" |
auteur | Author | "John Smith" |
status | Status | "definitief" |
formaat | Format | "application/pdf" |
taal | Language | "nl" |
versie | Version | "1.0" |
bestandsnaam | Filename | "building_plans.pdf" |
Property | Description | Example |
startdatum | Start date | "2023-06-15" |
omschrijving | Description | "Copyright protected" |
einddatum | End date | "2024-06-15" |
Besluiten (Decisions)
The Besluiten API manages formal decisions:
- Decision
Property | Description | Example |
identificatie | Decision ID | "BES-2023-0001234" |
verantwoordelijkeOrganisatie | Responsible org | "123456789" |
datum | Decision date | "2023-08-14" |
ingangsdatum | Effective date | "2023-09-01" |
vervaldatum | Expiry date | "2024-09-01" |
toelichting | Explanation | "Permit granted based on..." |
bestuursorgaan | Administrative body | "College van B&W" |
zaak | Related case | URI to case |
API Specification
The complete API specifications are available as OpenAPI 3.0 documents:
Overview Relationships Between Entities
The ZGW components are interconnected as shown in this diagram:
The diagram shows how:
- Case Types define the structure and workflow
- Cases are instances of case types
- Documents are linked to cases
- Decisions are based on cases
- Statuses track case progress
- Results record case outcomes
Validation Resources
To ensure compliance with ZGW standards, the following validation resources are available:
- API Test Platform - API compliance testing
- ZGW Reference Implementation - Reference implementation
- Common Ground Component Catalog - Component validation
By using these validation tools during implementation, you can ensure that your case register meets all applicable standards and requirements.
Implementation Guidelines
When implementing the ZGW standards, consider these guidelines:
Use URIs for References
- All references between objects should use URIs
- URIs should be resolvable within the network
Implement Proper Versioning
- Version all API endpoints
- Track object versions where needed
- Maintain backward compatibility
Follow Security Guidelines
- Implement OAuth2/OpenID Connect
- Use proper scopes for authorization
- Follow NL API Security requirements
Support Audit Trail
- Log all changes to objects
- Track who made changes
- Maintain change history
Enable Notifications
- Implement Notificaties API
- Send notifications for important events
- Allow webhook subscriptions
These guidelines help ensure a robust and compliant implementation of the ZGW standards.